Dry eye is a progressive condition and should be closely monitored. There may be minimal symptoms in the early stages but, if left untreated, dry eye syndrome becomes harder to manage. Colorado Eye Gallery is proud to offer advanced dry eye assessments and treatments for our patients.

Schedule an appointment to have your dry eyes evaluated and learn how you can find relief.

What causes dry eye?



A buildup of allergens, eyelash mites and debris on the eyelid margin can cause blepharitis. This eyelid inflammation can worsen dryness. A lid hygiene regimen can consist of cleansing foams, sprays, gels or wipes.

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Low Tear Volume

Autoimmune conditions and inflammation can reduce tear production. Eyes with chronic dryness or recent surgery should use preservative-free artificial tears to avoid irritation.

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Meibomian Gland Dysfunction (MGD)

The oil that keeps the tear film from evaporating is called meibum. Applying a warm compress to the eyelids gently melts hardened oils, helping the Meibomian glands function properly.

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Goblet Cell Loss

Goblet cells produce the mucin layer that allows the tear film to adhere to the eye. Using a topical vitamin A ointment stimulates the secretion of mucin and nourishes the corneal epithelium.

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Zocular Eyelid System Treatment (ZEST)

Our eyelids can accumulate a biofilm or “plaque,” even with regular at-home eyelid cleansing. ZEST® is a clinically effective in-office procedure performed by your eye doctor to remove the residue and debris from your eyelid. ZEST is used to address a wide range of previously challenging conditions:

• blepharitis
• dry eyes
• styes (chalazia)

One of the key advantages of ZEST is its gentleness, using no anesthetic or tea tree oil oil that can burn your eyes. It utilizes an activated okra complex, and feels like a soothing spa treatment for your eyes.

Low Level Light Therapy (LLLT)

Developed by NASA, LLLT has proven to be effective at treating dry eye disease. LLLT uses specially designed LED lights to gently warm up the eyelids, causing the meibomian glands to unclog and release oils.

• Safe, non-invasive procedure
• 15 minutes per session
• No recovery time needed
• No side effects or discomfort
• Safe for adults and children

It’s quick and painless! Simply lay back with the Equinox mask on and relax as the warm light clears your glands. LLLT may also help decrease the appearance of facial wrinkles, acne and rosacea.

Dry Eye Products & Resources

A reputable website to find compresses, eye drops, lid cleansers, and other treatment supplies your doctor recommends. No counterfeit supplements, products are sourced directly from the manufacturer! Use code COLORADOEYE20 to get 20% off.


The Dry Eye Foundation hosts resources to connect with other dry eye patients: