The FDA has also approved tadalafil for treatment of both benign prostatic hypertrophy and erectile dysfunction where the two conditions co-exist. Some services offer a subscription option where they’ll send your medications every month at a discount. Those who don’t feel comfortable discussing ED with an in-person provider or lack time to visit a doctor’s office may find online ED prescriptions beneficial. Other conditions that may disqualify you from an ED prescription include a history of stroke, kidney or liver disease, cancer, diabetes, or a bleeding disorder. Other warning signs of an unsafe online pharmacy include outdated medication, no customer service, or suspiciously low prices. Taking generic ED medications is an effective way to save money without sacrificing quality.Key Specs Cost: Consultation prices vary based on the prescriber; $5 generic prescriptions Medical Consultation Required: Yes Medications Prescribed: . Drug Facts Common Brands Cialis Drug Class PDE-5 inhibitor Controlled Substance Classification Not a controlled medication Generic Status No lower-cost . What’s more, a single dose of tadalafil lasts up to 36 hours, whereas a dose of Viagra only lasts for around four hours. Because of that, doctors typically prescribe .